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The photographer

Born in Britain in 1986, I discovered my passion for photography in 2006, although at the age of 12 I won a contest organized by my school. Then I'm doing my photography business in summer 2010.

To tell you a bit about my background. I got my first digital SLR camera in November 2007, I started by taking photographs of landscapes and nature, then some time later I bought a 70-300 mm lens and I started to take photographs of macro and insects. In May 2010, I bought a 50 mm lens, and I turned to portrait photography. Then I did my first wedding in the summer of 2010. At the end of 2010 I also started doing more photographies of cars but also photos of sports events. Early 2011 I bought a SB 900, then I continued to do portraits.

I am now a photographer who is particularly interested in special events and portraits (marriage, birth or portrait style, couple ...). But also photographs of cars. The nature photography is important to me, I like to share the beauty of nature, that everyone can't see and admire every day.

Le métier de photographe par Hieronimus Art

J'aime ce métier car lorsque je prends des photos...
Je suis au contact des gens,
Ensemble nous partageons des moments,
Nous vivons des émotions,
Tout en les figeant,
Pour qu'ils ne restent pas qu'une trace,
Mais une image prise par le photographe,
Qui permet de rendre vivant les souvenirs,
Faire verser des larmes ou encore rire,
J'aime ce métier qui demande d'être créatif,
De rester toujours sur le vif,
Et d'avoir un esprit inventif,
Pour refaire vivre des instants festifs,
Bien après qu'ils ont eux lieux,
Que ce soit une déclaration d'amour,
Ou un moment en famille bien heureux,
Après mon passage ils resteront pour toujours,
Gravé à l'encre indélébile sur du papier,
Que vous allez pouvoir encore regarder,
Et avoir la possibilité de vous remémorer,
Tout vos moments de bonheurs passés.

My equipment

Nikon D80
AF-S Nikkor 18-70 1.3 DX 5-4G (used mainly for landscape photos this versatile lens is a good compromise).
Sigma 70-300 4-5.6 APO Macro (Used for photographs with distant subjects, or for macro).
AF-S NIKKOR 50 MM f/1.4G (Used for portraits or photographs of nature ... an excellent lens with its large aperture). (it's one I use most frequently).
Nikon Speedlight SB-900

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